Thingsboard Integration and Customization
Get started with Thingsboard - The flexible and modern Open Source IoT Platform
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We create an economic overall concept for your application. From the sensor, the selection of the right hardware to the user-friendly processing of the collected data.
We will find the cheapest Thingsboard version for you and support you with the licensing of Thingsboard PE (Professional Edition) or adapt Thingsboard CE (Community Edition) to your needs.
We support you in the care and maintenance of your IoT solution and train your employees in handling the selected overall system.
Remote support
At your request, our products, whether thingsboard, gateways or PLC systems, are equipped with remote access. This allows us to troubleshoot efficiently.
Intelligent Gateways
Our specially developed gateways allow data from all conceivable devices to be connected to Thingsboard. Regardless of whether BLE, Modbus, Enocean, Ethernet/IP, Bacnet, LoRaWan, Profinet. Thanks to the integrated, intuitive web server, no specialist knowledge is required.
Development of custom Widgets
Thingsboard has an extensive widget library, and we also offer an open source widget library. We also develop custom widgets and we have developed hundreds of such widgets.